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Brand Mailman - Email Marketing Charlotte
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What Brand Mailman Does Why We Are Different How To Join Us
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Brand Mailman 's pricing
which is quite affordable, if we do say so ourselves.

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Brand Mailman is email marketing in style.

overview -> special pull-out section : why Web-based makes sense

More and more organizations are bringing in a partner to handle their group email marketing efforts, and an increasing number are choosing Web-based partners. Here's why:

No software or servers to maintain

Going Web-based means there's no software you have to install and no servers to manage on your end. Everything is handled by Brand Mailman’s enterprise-level engine and staff, saving you an enormous amount of effort and money.

Delivering the mail means much more than hitting SEND

Large-group email delivery and processing is a complex endeavor, requiring a system that understands the ins and outs of delivery, server codes and responses, bounce handling and retries, and tracking. It's no longer simply a matter of writing a script to send emails, and these days it's typically more than most small IT staffs want to take on.

Forget email etiquette - now there's email law to worry about

With Can-Spam and other legislation now in place, sending emails to groups of people requires careful attention to make sure everything is fully compliant. Working with a partner who makes sure every campaign you send contains all of the right elements, advises you on the latest in permission guidelines and best practices, and takes the worry out of things like opt-out requests (with Brand Mailman they're instant and permanent) is increasingly important.

Going Web-based limits your exposure to viruses and other problems

Instead of having your lists and activity all originating from your offices (where they often leave you susceptible to viruses and other inbound trouble), everything happens off-site, in a safe, secure environment designed to preserve the sanctity of your lists.

The cost savings

Web-based services have always promised that by offering a packaged program to lots of people, they'll lower the costs for each individual customer. That's certainly the case for Web-based email marketing and Brand Mailman, where getting started and managing things from month to month costs a fraction of what it would if you tried to take it all on yourself.

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Brand Mailman™ is a trademark of Brand Aid Design Co., LLC, all rights reserved ©2007

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